UBERON Tissue Ontology
This data packages supplies your knowledge graph with a collection of nodes that represents tissues. The UBERON ontology is used as the data source where we transform the ontology classes into objects inside your knowledge graph. Additionally, annotation properties that indicate inheritance and other cross-class axioms are transformed into relationships that connect tissue objects. More information on UBERON can be found here.
Definition: Multicellular anatomical structure that consists of many cells of one or a few types, arranged in an extracellular matrix such that their long-range organisation is at least partly a repetition of their short-range organisation.
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(Tissue) -> is a -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> part_of -> (Tissue)
Definition: a core relation that holds between a part and its whole
(Tissue) -> continuous with -> (Tissue)
Definition: X continuous_with Y if and only if X and Y share a fiat boundary.
(Tissue) -> contributes to morphology of -> (Tissue)
Definition: p contributes to morphology of w if and only if a change in the morphology of p entails a change in the morphology of w. Examples: every skull contributes to morphology of the head which it is a part of. Counter-example: nuclei do not generally contribute to the morphology of the cell they are part of, as they are buffered by cytoplasm.
(Tissue) -> connects -> (Tissue)
Definition: c connects a if and only if there exist some b such that a and b are similar parts of the same system, and c connects b, specifically, c connects a with b. When one structure connects two others it unites some aspect of the function or role they play within the system.
(Tissue) -> develops from -> (Tissue)
Definition: x develops from y if and only if either (a) x directly develops from y or (b) there exists some z such that x directly develops from z and z develops from y
(Tissue) -> has skeleton -> (Tissue)
Definition: A relation between a segment or subdivision of an organism and the maximal subdivision of material entities that provides structural support for that segment or subdivision.
(Tissue) -> has_part -> (Tissue)
Definition: a core relation that holds between a whole and its part
(Tissue) -> immediate transformation of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x immediate transformation of y iff x immediately succeeds y temporally at a time boundary t, and all of the matter present in x at t is present in y at t, and all the matter in y at t is present in x at t
(Tissue) -> immediately deep to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x immediately deep to y iff x deep_to y and x is contiguous with y.
(Tissue) -> composed primarily of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x composed_primarily_of y if and only if more than half of the mass of x is made from y or units of the same type as y.
(Tissue) -> in lateral side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X in lateral side of Y <=> if X is in left side of Y or X is in right side of Y. X is often, but not always a paired structure
(Tissue) -> existence ends during -> (Tissue)
Definition: x existence ends during y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y ends and after or equivalent to the point at which y starts. Formally: x existence ends during y iff ω(x) <= ω(y) and ω(x) >= α(y).
(Tissue) -> attached to -> (Tissue)
Definition: a is attached to b if and only if a and b are discrete objects or object parts, and there are physical connections between a and b such that a force pulling a will move b, or a force pulling b will move a
(Tissue) -> has component -> (Tissue)
Definition: w 'has component' p if w 'has part' p and w is such that it can be directly disassembled into into n parts p, p2, p3, ..., pn, where these parts are of similar type.
(Tissue) -> has potential to develop into -> (Tissue)
Definition: x has the potential to develop into y iff x develops into y or if x is capable of developing into y
(Tissue) -> located in -> (Tissue)
Definition: a relation between two independent continuants, the target and the location, in which the target is entirely within the location
(Tissue) -> location of -> (Tissue)
Definition: a relation between two independent continuants, the location and the target, in which the target is entirely within the location
(Tissue) -> extends_fibers_into -> (Tissue)
Definition: X extends_fibers into Y iff there exists some neuron (N) and N has_soma_location X and N 'has synaptic IO in region' some Y
(Tissue) -> channel for -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> channels_from -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> channels_into -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> conduit for -> (Tissue)
Definition: x is a conduit for y iff y overlaps through the lumen_of of x, and y has parts on either side of the lumen of x.
(Tissue) -> adjacent to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x adjacent to y if and only if x and y share a boundary.
(Tissue) -> existence ends during or before -> (Tissue)
Definition: x existence ends during or before y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y ends.
(Tissue) -> has 2D boundary -> (Tissue)
Definition: a relation between a material entity and a 2D immaterial entity (the boundary), in which the boundary delimits the material entity
(Tissue) -> preceded by -> (Tissue)
Definition: x is preceded by y if and only if the time point at which y ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which x starts. Formally: x preceded by y iff ω(y) <= α(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point.
(Tissue) -> precedes -> (Tissue)
Definition: x precedes y if and only if the time point at which x ends is before or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x precedes y iff ω(x) <= α(y), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point.
(Tissue) -> immediately preceded by -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> ends -> (Tissue)
Definition: inverse of ends with
(Tissue) -> surrounded by -> (Tissue)
Definition: x surrounded_by y if and only if (1) x is adjacent to y and for every region r that is adjacent to x, r overlaps y (2) the shared boundary between x and y occupies the majority of the outermost boundary of x
(Tissue) -> developmentally replaces -> (Tissue)
Definition: x developmentally replaces y if and only if there is some developmental process that causes x to move or to cease to exist, and for the site that was occupied by x to become occupied by y, where y either comes into existence in this site or moves to this site from somewhere else
(Tissue) -> developmentally induced by -> (Tissue)
Definition: t1 induced_by t2 if there is a process of developmental induction (GO:0031128) with t1 and t2 as interacting participants. t2 causes t1 to change its fate from a precursor material anatomical entity type T to T', where T' develops_from T
(Tissue) -> existence starts during -> (Tissue)
Definition: x existence starts during y if and only if the time point at which x starts is after or equivalent to the time point at which y starts and before or equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: x existence starts during y iff α(x) >= α(y) & α(x) <= ω(y).
(Tissue) -> overlaps -> (Tissue)
Definition: x overlaps y iff they have some part in common.
(Tissue) -> ends with -> (Tissue)
Definition: x ends with y if and only if x has part y and the time point at which x ends is equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: α(y) > α(x) ∧ ω(y) = ω(x), where α is a function that maps a process to a start point, and ω is a function that maps a process to an end point.
(Tissue) -> starts -> (Tissue)
Definition: inverse of starts with
(Tissue) -> transformation of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x transformation of y if x is the immediate transformation of y, or is linked to y through a chain of transformation relationships
(Tissue) -> bounding layer of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X outer_layer_of Y iff: . X :continuant that bearer_of some PATO:laminar . X part_of Y . exists Z :surface . X has_boundary Z . Z boundary_of Y has_boundary: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0002002 boundary_of: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0002000
(Tissue) -> surrounds -> (Tissue)
Definition: inverse of surrounded by
(Tissue) -> anterior to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x anterior to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the head. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail.
(Tissue) -> has developmental contribution from -> (Tissue)
Definition: x has developmental contribution from y iff x has some part z such that z develops from y
(Tissue) -> proximalmost part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X proximalmost part of Y <=> X is in proximal side of Y and X is adjacent to the proximal boundary of Y
(Tissue) -> luminal space of -> (Tissue)
Definition: s is luminal space of x iff s is lumen_of x and s is an immaterial entity
(Tissue) -> subdivision of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> has member -> (Tissue)
Definition: has member is a mereological relation between a collection and an item.
(Tissue) -> produced by -> (Tissue)
Definition: a produced_by b iff some process that occurs_in b has_output a.
(Tissue) -> dorsal to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x dorsal to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the back. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that extends through an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly).
(Tissue) -> has muscle origin -> (Tissue)
Definition: m has_muscle_origin s iff m is attached_to s, and it is the case that when m contracts, s does not move. The site of the origin tends to be more proximal and have greater mass than what the other end attaches to.
(Tissue) -> has muscle insertion -> (Tissue)
Definition: m has_muscle_insertion s iff m is attaches_to s, and it is the case that when m contracts, s moves. Insertions are usually connections of muscle via tendon to bone.
(Tissue) -> existence starts and ends during -> (Tissue)
Definition: x exists during y if and only if: 1) the time point at which x begins to exist is after or equal to the time point at which y begins and 2) the time point at which x ceases to exist is before or equal to the point at which y ends. Formally: x existence starts and ends during y iff α(x) >= α(y) & α(x) <= ω(y) & ω(x) <= ω(y) & ω(x) >= α(y)
(Tissue) -> innervates -> (Tissue)
Definition: Relation between a 'neuron projection bundle' and a region in which one or more of its component neuron projections either synapses to targets or receives synaptic input. T innervates some R Expands_to: T has_fasciculating_neuron_projection that synapse_in some R.
(Tissue) -> branching part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x is a branching part of y if and only if x is part of y and x is connected directly or indirectly to the main stem of y
(Tissue) -> innervated_by -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> attached to part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: a is attached to part of b if a is attached to b, or a is attached to some p, where p is part of b.
(Tissue) -> produces -> (Tissue)
Definition: a produces b if some process that occurs_in a has_output b, where a and b are material entities. Examples: hybridoma cell line produces monoclonal antibody reagent; chondroblast produces avascular GAG-rich matrix.
(Tissue) -> in left side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X in left side of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two left and right portions, X is part of the left portion.
(Tissue) -> connected to -> (Tissue)
Definition: a is connected to b if and only if a and b are discrete structure, and there exists some connecting structure c, such that c connects a and b
(Tissue) -> drains -> (Tissue)
Definition: Relation between an collecting structure and another structure, where the collecting structure acts as a conduit channeling fluid, substance or energy away from the other structure.
(Tissue) -> supplies -> (Tissue)
Definition: Relation between an arterial structure and another structure, where the arterial structure acts as a conduit channeling fluid, substance or energy.
(Tissue) -> connecting branch of -> (Tissue)
Definition: b connecting-branch-of s iff b is connected to s, and there exists some tree-like structure t such that the mereological sum of b plus s is either the same as t or a branching-part-of t.
(Tissue) -> sexually_homologous_to -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> existence starts with -> (Tissue)
Definition: x starts ends with y if and only if the time point at which x starts is equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x existence starts with y iff α(x) = α(y).
(Tissue) -> existence ends with -> (Tissue)
Definition: x existence ends with y if and only if the time point at which x ends is equivalent to the time point at which y ends. Formally: x existence ends with y iff ω(x) = ω(y).
(Tissue) -> intersects midsagittal plane of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X intersects median plane of iff X crosses the midine plane of Y.
(Tissue) -> in anterior side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X anterior side of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two anterior and posterior portions, X is part of the anterior portion.
(Tissue) -> anteriorly connected to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x anteriorly_connected_to y iff the anterior part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x posterior_to y.
(Tissue) -> posteriorly connected to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x posteriorly_connected_to y iff the posterior part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x anterior_to y.
(Tissue) -> proximally connected to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x proximally_connected_to y iff the proximal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x distal_to y.
(Tissue) -> distally connected to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x distally_connected_to y iff the distal part of x is connected to y. i.e. x connected_to y and x proximal_to y.
(Tissue) -> preaxialmost part of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> distalmost part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X distalmost part of Y <=> X is in distal side of Y and X is adjacent to the distal boundary of Y
(Tissue) -> posterior to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x posterior to y iff x is further along the antero-posterior axis than y, towards the body/tail. An antero-posterior axis is an axis that extends through an organism from head end to opposite end of body or tail.
(Tissue) -> tributary of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x tributary_of y if and only if x a channel for the flow of a substance into y, where y is larger than x. If x and y are hydrographic features, then y is the main stem of a river, or a lake or bay, but not the sea or ocean. If x and y are anatomical, then y is a vein.
(Tissue) -> has muscle antagonist -> (Tissue)
Definition: m1 has_muscle_antagonist m2 iff m1 has_muscle_insertion s, m2 has_muscle_insection s, m1 acts in opposition to m2, and m2 is responsible for returning the structure to its initial position.
(Tissue) -> in right side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X in right side of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two left and right portions, X is part of the right portion.
(Tissue) -> protects -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> lumen of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x lumen_of y iff x is the space or substance that is part of y and does not cross any of the inner membranes or boundaries of y that is maximal with respect to the volume of the convex hull.
(Tissue) -> develops in -> (Tissue)
Definition: x develops_in y if x is located in y whilst x is developing
(Tissue) -> derived from ancestral fusion of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x has_fused_element y iff: there exists some z : x has_part z, z homologous_to y, and y is a distinct element, the boundary between x and z is largely fiat
(Tissue) -> anastomoses with -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> filtered through -> (Tissue)
Definition: Relationship between a fluid and a material entity, where the fluid is the output of a realization of a filtration role that inheres in the material entity.
(Tissue) -> postaxialmost part of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> skeleton of -> (Tissue)
Definition: inverse of has skeleton
(Tissue) -> directly develops from -> (Tissue)
Definition: Candidate definition: x directly_develops from y if and only if there exists some developmental process (GO:0032502) p such that x and y both participate in p, and x is the output of p and y is the input of p, and a substantial portion of the matter of x comes from y, and the start of x is coincident with or after the end of y.
(Tissue) -> develops from part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x develops from part of y if and only if there exists some z such that x develops from z and z is part of y
(Tissue) -> indirectly_supplies -> (Tissue)
Definition: a indirectly_supplies s iff a has a branch and the branch supplies or indirectly supplies s.
(Tissue) -> in posterior side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X posterior side of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two anterior and posterior portions, X is part of the posterior portion.
(Tissue) -> deep to -> (Tissue)
Definition: Further away from the surface of the organism. Thus, the muscular layer is deep to the skin, but superficial to the intestines.
(Tissue) -> superficial to -> (Tissue)
Definition: Near the outer surface of the organism. Thus, skin is superficial to the muscle layer.
(Tissue) -> immediately superficial to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x immediately superficial to y iff x superficial to y and x is contiguous with y.
(Tissue) -> serially homologous to -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> ventral to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x ventral to y iff x is further along the dorso-ventral axis than y, towards the front. A dorso-ventral axis is an axis that extends through an organism from back (e.g. spinal column) to front (e.g. belly).
(Tissue) -> trunk_part_of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> distal to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x distal to y iff x is further along the proximo-distal axis than y, towards the appendage tip. A proximo-distal axis extends from tip of an appendage (distal) to where it joins the body (proximal).
(Tissue) -> proximal to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x proximal to y iff x is closer to the point of attachment with the body than y.
(Tissue) -> in deep part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X superficial part of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two superficial and deep portions, X is part of the deep portion.
(Tissue) -> in superficial part of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X superficial part of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two superficial and deep portions, X is part of the superficial portion.
(Tissue) -> in dorsal side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X dorsal side of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two dorsal and ventral portions, X is part of the dorsal portion.
(Tissue) -> has potential to developmentally contribute to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x has potential to developmentrally contribute to y iff x developmentally contributes to y or x is capable of developmentally contributing to y
(Tissue) -> in ventral side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X ventral side of Y <=> if Y is subdivided into two dorsal and ventral portions, X is part of the ventral portion.
(Tissue) -> layer part of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> in distal side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x in distal side of y <=> if y is subdivided into two proximal and distal portions, y is part of the distal portion.
(Tissue) -> in proximal side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: x in proximal side of y <=> if y is subdivided into two proximal and distal portions, y is part of the proximal portion.
(Tissue) -> in_innermost_side_of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> in_outermost_side_of -> (Tissue)
(Tissue) -> aboral to -> (Tissue)
Definition: nearer to the aboral opening of the organism, on the oral-aboral axis.
(Tissue) -> existence starts during or after -> (Tissue)
Definition: x existence starts during or after y if and only if the time point at which x starts is after or equivalent to the time point at which y starts. Formally: x existence starts during or after y iff α (x) >= α (y).
(Tissue) -> in central side of -> (Tissue)
Definition: X in_central_side Y <=> if Y is subdivided into left and right portions around some median divisor, all parts of X are closer to the median divisor than the outermost lateral sides.
(Tissue) -> immediately anterior to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x immediately anterior to y iff x anterior to y and x is contiguous with y.
(Tissue) -> immediately posterior to -> (Tissue)
Definition: x immediately posterior to y iff x posterior_to y and x is contiguous with y.
(Tissue) -> develops into -> (Tissue)
Definition: inverse of develops from
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