
Python data adapters for seamless data upload, faster graph model curation and a more intuitive query language.

Python Data Adapters

To make the data ingestion process as simple as possible we have created several python data adapters that will convert your processed data files into JSON files compatible with the BioBox platform.

Leave the data wrangling behind. Simply duplicate the notebook, import your processed data files and download formatted JSON files compatible with the BioBox platform ready to upload. Adapters are currently available for scRNA, scATAC, ChIPseq, and custom genomes.

Faster Graph Model Iterations

Want to make a few minor adjustments to your graph model to see how it would impact scores without overwriting your existing work ? With the click of a button you can now duplicate an entire graph model including all of the lines of evidence.

Bug Fixes + Query Language Improvements

We have addressed the scrolling and pagination issues within the query language results page. In addition, we have made the query language more flexible and accepting of spaces in between arrows and brackets.

Last updated